What’s the best dimmer for my LED light bulbs?
What’s the best dimmer for my LED light bulbs?
A question that’s surely had more Google searches than Jake Paul and Connor McGregor combined. If you’ve found yourself going down a rabbit hole but still don’t have the answer, this blog is for you.
I’m going to tell you the best way to dim our range of 240v LED light bulbs because they are tried and tested, and if you use our products, this will work for you too. 120v Countries, hang tight, we’ll have information for you and your Little Anvil Light Bulbs coming soon…
Since incandescent and inefficient globes started to disappear from the market, the LED took over with a vengeance. Older style dimmer switches weren’t advanced enough to deal with the internal electronics of an LED light bulb, so initially dimming was plagued by random errors and was incredibly frustrating.
I worked for years with a supplier of light bulbs and lost count of the phone calls I’d take from people wondering what was wrong with their product. Problems ranged from flickering and flashing in peripheral vision to an inability to dim smoothly or completely to zero, as well as complaints of bulbs still faintly on even when the power is off at the wall - the list of problems went on and on and there was never a single answer that covered every base.
The 4G dimming technology in our range of bulbs has helped make these problems a thing of the past.
We’ve tested our 240v range of bulbs with the following 3 dimmers, and we’ll tell you what one we think is best and why:
DIGINET MEDM Led Smart Phase Adaptive Dimmer Mechanism 400w
CLIPSAL 32ELEDMWE Led Dimmer Mechanism 450w | Purple Body
CLIPSAL 32E45OUDM Universal Dimmer 450w
To get a good range of results, we tested a single globe as well as a chain of five on a single dimmer. Most dimmers have a minimum wattage requirement, sometimes down to the 2 - 4 watt range. So, in layman's terms - if for example, you ran a 2-watt bulb on a dimmer that had a minimum wattage requirement of 4 watts, the quality of dimming may be greatly reduced and you’d experience various issues like flickering or simply the bulb not working at all.
Across the board, the winner was the DIGINET MEDM Led Smart Phase Adaptive Dimmer Mechanism 400w. On each of our globes, there was a smooth, stable flicker-free dim from 100% - 0% and there were no globes still faintly showing as ‘on’ even when powered off. The switch knob also glows which is great for nighttime use.
In second place, came the CLIPSAL 32ELEDMWE Led Dimmer Mechanism 450w | Purple Body. This displayed all the same properties as the DIGINET, but we felt that the dimming wasn’t quite as smooth - but certainly not so extreme should put you off using the mechanism.
In third place came the CLIPSAL 32E45OUDM Universal Dimmer 450w. It performed all its tasks well, but in some cases would only dim from 100% to around 5%, so if you’re looking for a full sweep, avoid this one.
So there you have it. Short, sharp, to the point and hopefully not an overload of needless technical jargon. Download the spec sheet of the DIGINET MEDM here
If you are based in Australia like we are, you can get them easily online - we’ve found Sparky Direct to be a great value source.
DIGINET MEDM Led Smart Phase Adaptive Dimmer Mechanism 400w