Choosing Kitchen Island Pendant Lights

Choosing the right pendant light for your kitchen island can be daunting. With so many options in the market, it's easy to get lost in the sea of designs, styles, and sizes. In this blog post, we'll look closer at the quality and craftsmanship of our range of wood beam lights and why they could be the perfect choice to light up your kitchen island.

A linear timber pendant light can be an excellent choice for functionality and style when lighting your kitchen island. However, choosing the correct fitting can be tricky, as several factors come into play, such as the size of your island, the height of your ceiling, and your taste.

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Christmas Closure 2023

Doesn’t a year fly past much quicker the older that you get? Two weeks seemed like a lifetime when I was 10 years old, 52 weeks now feels like there’s nowhere near enough time to get everything done.

We’ve had another amazing year at Little Anvil and would like to thank all of our customers for their support. We’ve had the chance to work on some incredibly exciting projects and have some amazing ventures lined up for the start of the new year.

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Festive Trading 2022

Another year has come and gone. Who would have thought we’d still be shaking off the dregs of the pandemic?

The new Little Anvil workshop truly got up and running this year and it wouldn’t be without the help and support of my family here and in Glasgow.

In February this year, my Dad (he won’t mind me telling you he’s in his mid 70’s) flew out from Scotland to help me pack and unpack about 6 truck loads of stock and equipment, build partition walls, set up shelving and basically work full weeks of solid 8-10 hour days. I truly couldn’t have done it without him, so Dad - thanks.

Even now, it’s still a work in progress, but we’ll have a little showroom set up in 2023 so you’re more than welcome to drop by and say hello.

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We're taking a short break in May!

Like many of you I haven’t seen my immediate family since pre-COVID. I’m Scottish but have been based in Melbourne for the last 18 years. Because Australia only recently re-opened its borders, it’s been far too long since I’ve seen my Mum, Dad & sister, and my children are desperate to spend time with Gran, Grampa, and Aunty Yvonne! So…we are heading to Glasgow from mid-May until mid-June.

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Neil MorrisonComment
Christmas Trading (Places) 2021 | New Year | New Workshop

Well, we’ve made it through another year hand in hand with the pandemic.

In 2020 I took a leap of faith and Little Anvil became a full-time job instead of a part-time venture.

In 2021 it continued to grow steadily, and so much so we have locked in a new larger workshop/warehouse that we are scheduled to move into at the start of February next year.

If you had asked me 2 or 3 years ago if that would have been a reality, I wouldn’t have been sure, but I’ve always dreamt of having my own ‘proper’ workshop, and here I am - finally being able to say I do.

Yes it’s scary, yes it’s exciting and yes, - it’s somewhat of a coming of age - finally, at 45!

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